One of their biggest challenges for any TPA is reducing sick days and keeping costs down for the companies that they represent all while continuing to improve the quality of life for their members. Gene Tox Lab Solutions value chain for TPA’s is providing genetic testing along with ongoing support. Our proprietary approach which will improve overall health by providing recommendations of targeted therapies and lifestyle modifications, thereby reducing costs to the TPA’s and reducing sick days of employees. Our PGx test has proven reduction in adverse drug reactions and reducing prescription medication costs by making clinical recommendations on more appropriate and lower cost medications for its members.
One of the biggest challenges FQHC’s are dealing with today are the multiple co-morbidities of their patient population. According to HRSA, the top 5 pathological conditions by patients/visits are as follows:
Overweight and Obesity: 5.4M patients, 11.2M patient visits/year
Hypertension: 4.5M patients, 11.5M patient visits/year
DiabetesT2 2.4M patients, 8.1M patient visits/year
Depression/Mood Disorders 2.3M patients, 7.8M patient visits/year
Anxiety and PTSD 2.1M patients, 6.5M patient visits/year
Our Pharmacogenetics test panel, in addition to our Diet and Exercise genetic test panel, will help to improve the outcomes of these patients, as well as reduce the overall cost of managing these patients.
The Implementing Genomics In practice (IGNITE) Network funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) published a study in Nature, Genetics in Medicine entitled: “Opportunities to implement a sustainable genomic medicine program: lessons learned from the IGNITE Network”. Network members and affiliates were surveyed to identify key drivers associated with implementing and sustaining a genomic medicine program. The results were that the top three driver–stakeholder dyads were (1) genomic training for providers, (2) genomic clinical decision support (CDS) tools embedded in the electronic health record (EHR), and (3) third party reimbursement for genomic testing.
Gene Tox Lab Solutions is provides the tools necessary to carry out a successfully genomic medicine program.